Friday 29 March 2013


I have a mouth full of bitter bile. Not literally of course, but there is something building in me and making me rethink a lot of things in my life. Saying that, my thoughts are like a jigsaw puzzle my 4 year old has given up on and has scattered from arsehole to breakfast-time and I can't blog it yet, I really want to but I'm not quite ready to put my soul on the line of the Internet yet, I'll be ready soon I promise.

I think if I had some kind of bitch-o-meter on here, that my biggest percentage of bitches would be about Ryota. It's quite natural I'm sure, since it's not P.C. to bitch about your children properly, he is the one I spend the majority of my time with and therefore most likely to bear the brunt of my bitchiness, but I can safely say, for now, we are actually in a good place. Sorry, I know the stories of his arseholey behaviour are a great read, but to be honest, the things on my mind actually have nothing to do with him. For once... I'm sure it will change at some point but we've been working really well together lately.

Prime example, we lost our camera when we went to Disneyland (Disneyland is a whole fucking blog post too!) recently and I was bracing myself for Ryota to go off his nut at me because I/we left it on a bus. It was out good canon camera with a zillion photos on it too and I was heartbroken that it might be lost. I went into a huge downer about it, if we had lost it my trip was going to be ruined and I also thought we were going to  have a massive argument about it but he was like, "Well, if we get it back, we'll be really happy. If not, can't be helped, and it means you can get the Nikon that you wanted!" Where the fuck did old Ryota go?! Whatever I liked the new attitude, it perked me up and I apologised for not taking more care to check the bus for our shit. We got it back thank god, but it shows that we can actually interact as normal loving humans! Score!

And we actually had no fights during the Disney trip, despite it being one of the most irritating places on Earth!

It may be his new 70% philosophy, he read a book that said you shouldn't live life at 100% all the time because you'll never have anywhere to go but down and always be disappointed. And when I think about it, it's kind of a good plan! From now we shall be the 70% super couple. Just wait, now I've blogged about it we'll probably have a massive fight tonight!

Right, must go work. I'm hoping my next post will be a bile purging one.


  1. Misery sells and it loves company. Cancer will get you 8 comments apparently but marriage woes? They will flutter like butterflies around your flower of heartbreak.

    Meanwhile...I woulda required sexual favors for losing the camera. In America we call that "Taxing that ass" ;)

    1. haha yeah marriage woes are great reading, I love reading other peoples so I guess I can't bitch too much. :)

      Dude I was so glad to get that damn camera back I would have happily given that bus driver a blow job!!

  2. Of course you are going to forget stuff when you have young kids. There is only so much your brain can deal with. Yay for Ryota not doing his nut - what good does it do anyway? Not going to get you your camera back, just make everyone miserable.

    1. Exactly, I was ready to give him that speech when he did his nut be he surprised me!

  3. That's good! They say life is 1% of what actually happens and 99% reaction to it. As long as the reactions are good life is good. I think 70% is a great idea.

    1. I do too actually!
      Hmmm those percentages are interesting, but really true, it's only what we make of things I guess!

  4. It's good to hear that things work out better. And always giving 100% at life is just very exhausting. Of course lots of things will go wrong, nothing can ever be perfect. Better be prepared for it and stay relaxed. I like this 70% thingie. :-)
    Best wishes for your dad!

    1. I think I always give about 40%, maybe I need to get up to the 70% level!! :D

      Thank you, Dad still isn't sure what's wrong but hopefully we know something soon!

  5. Thank you Corinne (and Ryota by extension), I guess it's worth trying out the 70% super couple. I have hot-headed tendencies as well and is reading this book about negotiating without giving in... s'pose to keep my head level in conversations.
    All the best, and hope your dad is comfortable!

    1. I wouldn't go as far as 'super-couple' he said to me yesterday, "You're pissing me off below the 70% mark!!!" hehe

      Thank you!

  6. Corrine baby, why are you bitter??

    Take it easy, we all love you. Even the effin haters.

    (kiss on the forehead)

    1. I know, I can't quite work out why I'm bitter, I think I have season change blues or something...?

      (kiss gratefully accepted!)

  7. You got your camera back! Don't you just love Japan?

  8. What's this 70% book, I'm curious!?
