Monday, 7 November 2011

What are you all crazy?!?!

And should I mention that I was going to make the title, "What are you all FUCKING crazy!?!?" but restrained myself for fear of insulting my lovely readers.

The best pressie in my belly was the maltesers and freddo frogs my mum sent me!

Of course the baby comes in at a close 2nd, but still!

Yes, there is a tiny little bun getting ready to be cooked until soft and squishy, when I shall be put through the most insane pain of my life. For the second time. Hopefully for the last time.

I'm not sure how to feel about being pregnant, I shouldn't even be telling anyone, I'm only about 8 weeks and all sorts of pregnancy websites say don't say anything until 12 weeks in case you miscarry, but fuck, I wouldn't be able to keep that a secret either, may as well have it all out in the open eh!

I'm actually quite stressed out about the whole thing, I knew I wanted another baby, Ash will totally turn into a spoiled bratty chonan if he doesn't at least learn to share his stuff, but when I went on a shagging fest and stopped taking the magic little pill that prevents you going through the horror of pregnancy I didn't really quite think it all through.. (Story of my life, no?!) A baby is all good, but my main worry is the school, if anyone wants to come and work at my school for minimum wage but the bonus of getting to see my ugly mug every day, let me know!

Still, things with Ryota have been better of late, so that's one area that's not stressing me out. The emotional side of pregnancy is fucking me off no end, I cried yesterday because the washing wasn't dry and it was still drizzling outside. Ummmm who the fuck cries over washing?! Morning sickness is also hitting me a bit when I wake up, I'm craving orange juice 24/7, and don't even get me started on the amount of pissing that goes with pregnancy!

So that's my big news, I had a lovely birthday (even though I couldn't drink!) and despite the stress, I'm looking forward to life as a 28 year old!


  1. Oh my goddddddd, freak out, congratulations!!!!!

  2. congratulations!

    ...i love kansai so if i had no kids i would totally come and teach in your school.

  3. Congratulations again!

    8 weeks hey - so, for the people who can't be bothered thinking right now when are you due? lol!!

    If I lived in Kansai I so would work at your school... actually no, I take that back, I am definitely not a good enough English teacher to work anywhere!

  4. wow! I drop in here for a quick gander and WHOA! what news! Congrats!!!

  5. Having a baby is so much easier the second time around. Enjoy your pregnancy!

  6. Congratulations.

    I'll come and work for you if you sponsor my visa :D

  7. "What are you all crazy?!?!"
    Some of us would prefer the term 'eccentric'.

    "Ummmm who the fuck cries over washing?!" Sorrow over anger or rage any day of the month. Your family is very lucky indeed. With the new addition to your crew, there's going to be more of everything! (Not to mention the extra laundry)

  8. Congratulations!
    Hope all will turn out fine! :-)

  9. I had to fight back the tears this morning when the washing was still damp, and I'm not even pregnant. Monday's are just so much harder with crap clothes that don't match because the nice ones aren't dry...
    And congratulations!! I'd have loved to work at your school, but it's a bit of a commute, sorry.

  10. "Ummmm who the fuck cries over washing?!"

    The person anywhere near me when I don't get what I want cuz I'm a relentless lunatic. If they were doing a load of laundry...they'd be crying.

    Congrats!! Your Vag is gonna be HUUUUGE!!!! ;)

  11. omg!!! congrats!!!!!!
    thats exciting :D glad its you not me (LOLOLOL)
    but now i have more incentive to come visit and see squishy newborn goodness!! :D

  12. Oh my congratulations!!!! You've got many months of random crying ahead! I once cried in Die Hard - not my finest hour

  13. Congrats! Two kids are definitely easier than one (although I'm not sure about more than that... I'm sticking with two!).

    Just a note about the school...I used to make a decent living between jobs working in short-term teaching gigs, like when the school owners were on vacation or maternity leave. I know you were joking, but you'd have to pay more than minimum wage (pretty much what you would pay yourself) to provide good incentive for someone to halt the job search long enough to take over. The peace of mind would be worth it, or so I've heard. Anyways, just a thought. The teachers are out there, so no worries. And I'm sure seeing your face would be a perk :)

  14. Congrats on the maltesers and the baby (^∇^)For the school hire a working holiday holder and propose to help for a visa change that will compensate for a low wage at first :3

  15. Congratulations! You're going to have your own little mob soon. Hope it all goes well.

  16. Awesome. You sound like you're in a good space and that bike with power is gonna be totally awesome. I hired one this past weekend and cycled along the coast and thought to myself that I wouldn't mind aging really quickly if it meant I could have one of these bikes for myself, that, or have a couple of kids. Then the battery ran out but at least it was all downhill by that point. Awesome things. My boyfriend wants to build one that recharges on the downhill. The funny thing with the powered bike is that everything you do soon after riding it, feels like it has extra power, like when pushing the shopping cart, it's weird, and a bit like land feels after being at sea for a while.

  17. Lurker here for awhile but I just had to come out and say congratulations!! On the baby, and the apparent reignition of you and your husbands love life!!!!;DDD

  18. Congratulations!

    And I'm pretty sure reading this was the reason I had an absolutely terrifying nightmare last night about having a baby.

  19. Wow, congrats hun, I hope the cravings and morning sickness don't get much worse!

  20. Classy comment Chris (but glad my wife had to have a C-section...).

    Best of luck.

    Me, over 40, father of one, am going to see that doctor about a bit of snip - but no Japanese doctor: too much J-resentment against Gaijin 'je ne sais quois' to let his scalpel near my bits!

  21. congratulations :) looking forward to hearing whether it`s a boy or girl (or do you want to be surprised?)
    Hmm did you have similar cravings with Ash as you do now?

  22. "Classy comment Chris (but glad my wife had to have a C-section...)."

    Hey...the bitches know I'm classy!!

    **don't anyone go stealing that as their new blog's mine**

    High fives and man hugs about the C-section!! They should make that mandatory.

  23. Conga rats, and here I was afraid y'all were throwing in the towel. I hope you are okay with everything. :)

  24. awww.... congrats!

    somehow your emotional-ness is making me giggle... haha... actually, you should milk it for all its worth. :p if anyone says anything you just go "well, i'm pregnant!"

    i hope you get a girl! ;p

    i'm also happy to hear that things are better with Ryota ^_-

  25. Mr S and Mr C - That's an underwear myth.

  26. Sampling size is low, but I have been with the same woman (years) before and (years) after a vaginal birth (not my child!): about the same. '222', you have a point.

  27. Congratulations with less apprehension and more joy this time! Hope the morning sickness doesn't last too long, and that you find someone to help you out at the school in a reasonable amount of time. I would say, "if I were in Kansai..." but even if I were, I'd rather offer my services as a surrogate mother and go through the whole 9 months of pregnancy AND a natural birth, than teach English again.
