Thursday 13 June 2013

Things that are currently pissing me off.

*MIL's ex-ex- boyfriend, god he's a dick.

*Stay at home mothers who bitch and moan. I get it's hard, but try doing everything you do plus another job then have a moan wench.

*My headache.

*Basically not eating and staying the same weight for a week. So frustrating.

*Dog-fucker. (A constant given)

Think that's about it. Fuck this week in the arse, can't wait for next week when I have 5 days off!


  1. I'm with you on stay at home mums. People are always on about it being a 'real' job too but working mums have to do all that and work! And esp when you have school aged kids who are out of the house for 6 hours... that's not a job.

    1. Lol..I totally agree. I am currently a stay at home mom and it is not hard at all. I worked full time with my oldest and that was hard (full time stressful job, newborn, first time mom..yeah><), It drives me nuts too to hear stay at home moms complain. I have to admit I have it very easy at this moment. I have appreciated every moment I have spending time with my baby and definitley dont find it stressful. Sadly my baby will be going to daycare in a few months and it is back to full time job for me, so I am for sure enjoying every moment!

  2. "*Basically not eating and staying the same weight for a week. So frustrating."

    A 'triggering event" event. Hitting the dieting wall can make folks wanna give up or tear peoples faces off.

    Some stay at home mom has written a scathin rebbutal to you but she can't hit the "publish"'mon you lazy baby maker ...T.V watching ..I made a bento shaped like a fucking Manga character cuz I just have no time (lol)...except to make a artistic bento. I'm imagining really busy moms can barely put a decent bento together with the help of a microwave CUZ THEY ARE REALLY FUCKING BUSY!!

  3. Honestly, the "I'm so busy" competiton pisses me off. Working mothers are the only group I accept it from, they are genuinely busier than me, and I take my hat off to them because I don't know how they do it. The rest of us are busy of our own making, which doesn't count.
    Some housewife with no kids told me how lucky I am the other day because "you don't have to cook". Apprently, she got "I live alone" with "I'm stinking rich and employ a full household staff".

  4. Nothing wrong with being a stay at home mum, but totally agree - a stay at home mum who whinges about how busy she is needs a punch in the face.
