Wednesday 26 June 2013

Plodding along

I don't really hold grudges much, I tend to get pissed off and then just kind of forget about it, I'm much like a fish that way.
Ryota, yeah not so much, he has a bad memory (probably a good thing) but he really fucking holds onto things. So the spat we had with the in-laws about blowing off Bailey's birthday party is still going on because Ryota is ignoring MIL and dog-fucker. I just can't be arsed being pissed off, it takes way too much energy but Ryota is very determined to ignore them for at least 2 weeks...

In other news... July will be an exciting month for me, we're going to the Ritz-Carlton for dinner for our 5th anniversary which I'm so looking forward to! Apart from the fact that we haven't been out as a couple since our 1st anniversary I LOVE getting dressed up and going out for dinner somewhere fancy, there's just something nice about it for me. Also an added bonus is the fact that due to current dieting conditions I haven't had a decent meal in about 2 months. 10kgs lighter so happy, but the whole not eating thing can be quite dull!

July is also a month that we will be rolling in cash, I have a soccer announcing job for the match in Osaka between Cerezo and Manchester United, (I'm sure it will be on TV somewhere so look out for my mad announcing skills on July 26th!) which pays nicely, I'm working a summer school for a week which is also good cash, and Ryota gets his bonus! I think all this extra dosh will be going to the down payment for our new car so not that exciting, but we're also planning a trip to Hawaii in April so maybe I should just bite the bullet and start booking things there...

Dog-fucker gets her last pay check from me this week, Grandma was paying her (and me actually) out last night when we were talking about who would do the two different kindy pick ups when I was working and Grandma said "Don't be relying on dog-fucker, she has to get her arse out of the house and get a job!!" Dog-fucker sat at the computer browsing clothes to buy and snickered but I'm sure she is freaking out a bit that she'll have no money from next week. I however will be cheering at paying a fraction of the price for full time care, meaning I'll have a bit of spare time in the day when I'm not teaching, and I can't fucking wait. Will miss the littlen, but really I will love having my time back.

OK, I think that's all that is going on around here, I best go get some sugar and fat free caffeine to keep me going for the next 6 hours of lessons!


  1. Do NOT shop or buy anything within Waikiki. Let me know before you go and I'll give you some places to visit and eat and shop. I'm going back home in October. Can't wait.

    Cleavage and ass pics from the big dinner or I'm calling bullshit on this whole diet thing ;)

    1. Thank you, I will totally be hitting you up for advice!

      OK, pics I can do, a hot arse and good cleavage I can't guarantee though! :D

  2. So he made up his mind for exactly two weeks?! :-D Love that. What determination. :-)

    1. He always does this, he makes his mind up about a good time frame to be angry. He's so weird!

    2. Hub told me to only let him be sad about Granny K's death (not that she's anywhere near her death bed)for exactly ONE WEEK. He got a pissed at me still using my parents deaths as an excuse like a whole month after they'd died. Crazy shit.

      Good to hear dog fucker might actually be forced to get out of the house and get a life. Bet Bailey will love kinder and you will love having some time!! Have a lovely anniversary dinner. Sounds fab. Pics please.

  3. Oh oh oh!!!! So jealous of the announcing job for Man U!!! All I get is train announcements and tourist area promotion videos...oh oh OH!!! Jealous!!

    1. yeah the soccer job was so lucky, I love doing it but I'd like to have a crack at train announcements!!

  4. Both of you back up and be a little grateful for the Japanese worship of ohakujin sama. Nonwhite Westerners don't get any of these jobs in Japan.
