Although I'm talkin' pussy in the cat sense, not the other...wait a minute, all you filthy bastards who thought some hot lesbian porn site was going to flash up! Hmmm, let's see, here's a picture that's sure to kill the mood of that party in your pants...

SIL is at it again with the beastiality, I think she may be doing inappropriate things with my pussy, err I mean, cat.
The reason I have these suspicions? Well, our cat seems to disappear for long periods of time inside the in-law's house and I dread to think how the poor little thing is being violated.
I am now officially pissed off again with SIL, not that it ever really stopped, but this time I actually have a reason apart from the fact that she's just a general mental case.
I am now officially pissed off again with SIL, not that it ever really stopped, but this time I actually have a reason apart from the fact that she's just a general mental case.
So first of all I should give you some background info... The cat we're talking about, is the cat that I fought to keep, the one all the in-laws said we shouldn't keep and would be road kill right now if it weren't for me. I'm actually really more of a dog person, but as a pet owner, it's got to be a cat, I don't have time to walk and feed twice daily and deep tongue kiss a dog like SIL does. But our cat has been working out well lately, I give her the most affection and basic food, Ryota tolerates her (he was against keeping her from the start and pretty much hates cats), and as a favour to us, she in turn tolerates being dragged around by my giant son saying "baby! baby!"
Before she was de-sexed I made sure she stayed inside, but now there's no chance of her getting knocked up, the dirty little whore can shag freely for all I care. I also like the fact that she can't kill any birdies or anything like in Australia, and that there are no roads she usually strays too far to. So for me, the cat outside is not a big deal, much rather her shit in someone else's garden than in her litter box for me to clean anyway! The in-laws however, obviously have a problem with this, because every time she goes outside, they either usher her in to their joint, or put her back inside. I'm almost inclined to give them a lecture on the importance of fresh air and exercise for pets but I'm sure they'd just come back with "Ooooo it's far too cold!!!" Bitch moan fucking bitch. Why do you think they have fur!? Anyway, what the in-laws also don't get, is that our cat is CONSTANTLY fighting to run out the door, like every time I'm getting my shoes on, she's instantly at my feet waiting to dart out. And now she's fixed, I let her, if she cries, I let her back in. Pretty damn simple if you ask me.
So today, she was out in the morning, and Obaachan was playing with her in the sun, then put her back inside our genkan, which is fine, I'm cool with this arrangement, then about an hour later, I had to go outside to do something, and she got out again, (Grandma was inside by this point) but I figured I'd just let her roam free while I got some housey stuff done. As I was hanging out the washing, I heard SIL and MIL come outside, (SIL was waving off MIL as she went to work for some bizarre Freudian reason.) and hear SIL start to bitch at MY cat being outside again. She said something to the effect of "For fuck's sake she's let the poor cat out again, she's going to get cold. Why the fuck does she let her out all the time!?" My balcony is perfect for over-hearing bitching from the in-laws, so I sat tight to see if she said anything else, but it was just basically the same thing over and over again. She then proceeded to take MY cat inside with her, and I'll leave what she was doing to the imagination, but what the fuck, just leave the cat outside you stupid bitch!!!
She then infuriated me even more, by bringing MY cat back into MY house an hour later, but not just in the genkan, she waltzed straight in to the living room and out again with not one word to me, despite me saying "Thank you" in Japanese then "you fucking slapper" under my breath in English. She's obviously pissed because she feels like she has to look after the cat but I can't wait to tell her just to back the fuck away from our pets/house/life. I feel another argument building, it's getting over-due and I can just tell her mood is gradually swinging to psycho. My hatred of Japan isn't helping either, the next one will be a big one, that's for sure! Stay tuned!!
Sounds like you guys need to move further away from the sounds like hell with them so nearby!
ReplyDeleteWhere did those people (and anybody, actually) ever got the idea that cats (and dogs for that matter) are made for the inside?
ReplyDeleteWhat next, get the goldfish out of the aquarium cause it's too wet there?
She just walks in, not knocking? Rude. I don't get the no outside for the animals here, either. Seems cruel to me.
ReplyDeleteHey, I thought of a great use for Ash's pink matching outfit -- make it into a little cat shirt, so pussy won't get cold!
ReplyDeleteFuck me. I love these blog posts, there's nothing like an aussie girl who says the most hilarious and shocking things (that everyone else is secretly thinking).
ReplyDeleteI think this;
"SIL is at it again with the beastiality"
is the best way anyone, anywhere has ever opened a story. Don't ever stop!
You seriously have to nip this in bud now cos come the warmer weather, she is so going to be walking the cat on one of those cat leashes. You know it.
ReplyDeleteI am sure there are people in Japan who have some sense about pets but I'm yet to meet one (esp since my housemate keeps washing our kittens). Are pets are new thing here because people don't seem to have grown up with them and learning pet common sense?
here's a picture that's sure to kill the mood of that party in your pants...
ReplyDeleteI dunno, as a self-confessed male with party-capable pants, at first glance the picture doesn't look particularly mood-killing. At second glance though, the nails in combination with the retarded-but-obligatory V-sign has the warning lights flashing on amber-to-red.
Also, from my experience with cat-orientated J-womenfolk I'd hazard that your pussy is not being forced to take anything the wrong way, but is possibly being subjected to some heavy-duty pseudo-maternalistic anthropomorphization.
ReplyDeleteI love your blog!
I'm 100% with you on the cat front, especially since you say you live in the countryside...animals are so happy to be able to go outside. I mean, they're *animals*.
If Helen of Troy had a face that launched a thousand ships, this girl has the look that could sink millions of erections.
ReplyDeleteI feel bad for your cat I really do.
At first I was always feeling a little sorry for your SIL but I can see now that she's simply irreparable.
Is there the equivalent of the RSPCA over there? Call them, and fast!