It'll be a quickie from bed though. That sentence sounds like I should be getting some action but I'm actually cocooned up in my blankie with air con blasting and small child and not so small child-like man snoring away next to me.
Had nice day out in Osaka today with some lovely ladies and ash, although the big smoke (and possibly the lunch time beer...) really wore me out, I was fucked by the time I got home, ok here are some piccies and the promise of a real post tomorrow!

Ash and the princess fairy chillin on the train...

Lovely ladies all squished in together!

Hmmmm okonimiiiiii....

Annnnd, ash being a dick with a nappy on his head!9
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In that one of the 3 of us, Rach looks like she`s angry at a waiter or something, I`m praying, and little miss technology is iPhoning away. Love it! Thanks for a great day out. I`m buggered too so am off to bed. No quickies here either, nor will there be until the airconditioners come!!!