Tuesday 25 September 2012

Oh dear lord...

Dog fucker's dog died this morning. As sad as it was, the poor thing has been in pain for the last six months and it was for the best. I can't imagine how dog fucker is going to go on..,


  1. Considering I don't actually know DF or her dog, I'm surprisingly upset by this. Poor girl.

    1. I friggin hate her and I felt so bad for her. :(

  2. Replies
    1. She held on to his poor stiff body for a good few hours, I almost suggested it but I didn't want to go there...

  3. it is like her life partner died..

  4. There's gonna be a doggy shrine, with candles and incense. That's my bet.
    And she'll probably find a spouse within the year.
    Not that she'll ever forget.

    It's not my intent to be irreverent, but I couldn't resist.


    1. :-D You are voicing my thoughts excactly!
      I'm already looking forward to the posts about her fiancé, who'll be no doubt a jerk.

  5. Oh man. I feel bad for her. Maybe she should get a pet bird or a turtle or something. They live longer! Depending on the species of course.

  6. Even though it seems like DF isn't the easiest person to get along up with, I can't help but feel bad for her. It seems like she lost a very close friend.

    Rest in peace, little dog.

  7. Oh my god, at first I read that as "Dog fucker died this morning." Now THAT would throw a spanner in the works.

  8. My sympayhy to DF. She lost her faithful firend who loved her unconditionally. In time, she will find another-it takes time.

  9. I'm sorry to hear about DF's dog. :( But ... does this mean she'll have to have a new name now?
