Sunday, 23 January 2011

Testing... Testing!!

This signal from South America is quite weak so I'll be brief.

Yeah, I wish, the surfboard wasn't nearly strong enough to kill him.

Today has been an incredibly draining, emotional day that I don't care to share at this moment, because quite simply, I'm fucked.

But I thought seriously today about packing up and going home, or throwing Ryochan out of the house. If I could do password protected posts, today's story would be one of them. But then again, I'd probably just give every Internet Tom, Dick and Harry the password anyway so I guess it wouldn't mean much.

Sorry for the blog-cock tease but I may be up for it tomorrow. Until then, I'm off to contemplate my marriage, life in Japan, and life in general!


  1. sorry corinne :( martial crap really, really sucks. I hope that it all gets happy and shaggy again soon <3

  2. Damn hope it's all fixed up without bloodshed!

  3. I've heard that there really isn't many Tom's, Dick's, or Harry's that use the internet. Well, maybe there are a lot of "dicks", but the other two? Not too sure myself.

    Hopefully today is a better day for you though.

  4. Hope you are surviving today. You can always go take over the comments section of my latest password protected post :) Hugs xxx

  5. Sorry you're having a crap time. Take care. Hope it gets better.

  6. :( Marital shit is the worst. I hope that everything works out. We are all here for you if you need anything!
